"You in others -- this is what you are -- your live in others."
- Doctor Zhivago, Boris Pasternak

... now we have you!
This is a work in progress, a bit of a living timeline and mind map of the important people, ideas, and events in my life.
Please forgive the occasional "Under Construction" corners. I can either build and revise at the same time or never publish at all.
References: The Done Manifesto: 2. Accept that everything is a draft. It helps to get it done. 3. There is no editing stage.
Thoughts from This Side of the Moat
I'm widely curious, value thoughtful over procedural, and am not afraid of sharing memes.
Peep all my Supa Hot takes including: narratives and honesty; nice =/= kind; professional consent and autonomy; lifehacks; service and mentorship; waffle recipes; crypto and tech determinism; YouTube Premium; online dating; character's influence on destiny
What is the website?
For myself, I want to use this website to express and organize my thoughts and become better at communicating and expressing myself.
I want the content of this website to reflect and sharpen the principals of a perspective I hold called This Side of the Moat. For myself and others, those principals include some of the following ideas:
The nature of our lives is not binary or adversarial.
Addressing the injurious doesn't automatically augment the beneficial. What took us from negative one to to zero will not take us from zero to one, as setting a bone does not prep one to run a marathon. I'd like TSoTM content to fill in what the adversarial stance overlooks, what I biographically know: that a rescued person flounders when presented w/ opportunity w/o guidance. We remove injury to allow The Work to begin.
We progress through growth and maturity, which in turn require honest investment and wisdom, free of agenda and narrative.
Success isn't easy or automatic b/c it comes through invention of the self. I want TSoTM to allow for them have these problems w/o looking for cover from social narratives. We are ours first THEN we deploy.
The Moat may be a place of honestly on a larger stage. There aren't enough spaces that are constructive, honest, or encouraging. If the responsible, the measured, and the successful are silent - or drowned out - then who's influence colors the public sphere but celebrities, commercials, and their attendant audiences?
Growth compounds; progress stacks.
There are no human upgrades. The more one grows the more one needs walls if generating among other people w/ lower center of gravity.
The universe is complex and dynamic.
Subjective to you is objective to me.
abcd. Three-body free body diagram.
Character is destiny.
Smart has to compensate for stupid; stupid can't compensate for smart.
There aren't enough spaces that are constructive, honest, or encouraging. If the responsible, the measured, and the successful are silent - or drowned out - then who's influence colors the public sphere but celebrities, commercials, and their attendant audiences?
I learned from a mentor that judgment doesn't require approval, that it is a responsible consideration and vital acknowledgment of one's agency. Its expression pays the dividend of wise action independent of an audience's endorsement while validating it in others, encouraging their expression of the same.
As this was demonstrated to me, I hope to create a space where I, too, can try to exemplify it. To who doesn't (much) matter, be it a friend, sibling, or an inquisitive visitor. I hope honestly sharing my life's experiences, perspectives, decisions, and opportunities will help anyone find some useful truth, idea, or heuristic relevant to his/ her own local situation.
This was one of the most influential opportunities having a mentor created for me. Judgment deployed pays, but the dividends of judgment demonstrated, communicated, and encouraged in a receptive other are compounded many-fold.

* Marked names are fictitious, but represent real entities. For professional references, please contact me directly.
2016 - Present
What I Do: Anesthesiologist and owner. I provide anesthesia services to help fearful children and patients with special needs receive the dental care they require.
What it Means to Me: My first step into private practice and a "self-directed, self-constructed career." Marks the "stop sleeping in the hospital" rung on my ladder of professional achievement.
2016 - Present
What I Do: Practice manager and owner. I provide administrative, operational, and managerial support and consultation to clinical practices.
What it Means to Me: I aim to create great teams and working relationships by through mentorship, embedded leadership, and the production of reproduceable, auditable business operations. This is also a facet of the longer term timeframe of my self-constructed, self-directed career.
2014 - Present
What I Do: Anesthesiologist. Tl;dr: It's my job to keep the car running while the mechanic fixes the alternator. A more fomral description of what an anesthesiologist does here (not done yet).
What it Means to Me: An extension of some of the lessons of my first job. I also learned a bit comfort w/ discomfort, moving from a full- to a part-time position. In this position, I moved to being financially dependent on myself instead of the hospital.
2013 - 2014
What I Do: Anesthesiologist. See above.
What it Means to Me: This was my first job after finishing residency. I learned a lot about myself and my expectations concerning what I wanted from a career, about having a boss and being a teammate, and about the time value of money (or, rather the value of time over money).

January 2023 - June 2025
This is a concise description of your past educational institution and the degree or qualification you received. Tip from the pros: focus on degrees and experience that are relevant to your professional world today.
January 2023 - June 2025
This is a concise description of your past educational institution and the degree or qualification you received. Tip from the pros: focus on degrees and experience that are relevant to your professional world today.
January 2023 - June 2025
This is a concise description of your past educational institution and the degree or qualification you received. Tip from the pros: focus on degrees and experience that are relevant to your professional world today.